我们是×××(死者)的××和××(称谓关系),×××(死者)于××××年×月×日在加拿大死亡,死亡时在加拿大留有遗产,我们作为×××的继承人〔或根据中华人民共和国××省××市公证处××××年×月×日发给我们的( )××字第××号继承权公证书〕,现委托×××先生(或女士、小姐)为我们的合法代理人,全权代理我们在加拿大办理继承上述遗产的一切事宜,为我们领取、管理和处分上述遗产。在代理我们办理上述事项中,代理人有权出席法庭了解对遗产的估算过程、同意或反对对遗产的估算及方法。代理人有权对财产转让证书、担保证书、公文、凭单、权利放弃和记录等所有有关文书签字、加封和执行,就继承遗产之事有权以我们的名义实施民事法律行为,代理人为代理上述事项所实施的民事法律行为和签署的法律文书我们均予以承认。
××××年×月×日 (注:必要时,可写上代理期限)
Trust Deed
Trustee:______ Male (or female), Present Home Address ______ Number ____Street ____City ____Province.
____Male (or female), Present Home Address ____Number __ __Street ____City ____Province.
Entrusted Agent: ____, Male (or female), Present Home Ad- dress ____Number ____Street ____City ____Province in Canada.
We are ____(the deceased) ____and ____(relationship) ____(the deceased) died on ____Day ____Month ____Year in Canada,the deceased bequeathed a legacy when died. We herein as the heir of ____(or in accordance with the Notarial Deed of Inheritance) __ __Character, No. ____issued to us on ____Day ____Month ____ Year by the Notary Public office of ____City ____Province of the People‘s Republic of China, We hereby give the authority to Mr. __ __(or Ms, Miss) as our legitimate Attorney to handle all the mat- ters involved in the inheritance of the above estate in Canada, to re- ceive, manage and deal with the above estate. We hereby give our Attorney the authority, in the process of handling the above mat- ters, to appear in any hearing of accounting of the estate and to ob- ject to or consent to any account and method and generally to sign,seal, and execute all such conveyance, assurance papers, documents,vouchers, releases and writtings, and perform civil legal act relating or concerning this estate in our names. We herein recognize all such civil legal acts performed and documents signed by the Attorney re- lating the above matters.
We hereby give our Attorney the authority to convey the trust.
______(sign or seal)
______Day ______Month ______Year